HA5FMV is the callsign of our radio club located in Dobogókő, Hungary (JN97KR).
HG7F has been the HA5FMV radio club’s contest callsign in the last more than ten years, we use it regularly on V/U/SHF.
This QTH is located on the top of a 700 meters high hill about 20 km from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. Besides the great opportunity to make DX’s, we can admire the outstanding panoramic view on the Danube Bend (and a part of Budapest in the opposite direction) while climbing up to the 40 meters high tower to change or repair antennas.
This is the tower you can see in front of the far Tatra mountains of Poland and Slovakia (the distance is more than 200 km!) on the background picture of the Welcome page. Looking down to this hill and the tower from above is something special even for us...